16th December 2020
Prevention — the best form of cure
A company culture of regular meetings and consultation together with constant continuous improvement methods proved to be fertile ground for embedding training, systems and policies related to the pandemic.
At the outset of the crisis — in February 2020 — our management team realised the truth of the simple saying that ‘o fail to prepare is to prepare to fail.
Andrew Harrison — LP General Manager
Accordingly we gave this issue our highest priority as a company. We began work straightaway - on our systems; our people movement, all manner of health and safety factors and all manner of risk assessments and contingency preparations. Thanks to the thoroughgoing nature of our work and the efforts of all our staff we now have a level of preparedness that is the equal of any manufacturer.
The proof has been in the pudding; with very little disruption to regular business systems, and, indeed, an undiminished level of enquiries for Linear’s manufacturing services.
The nature of Linear’s core injection moulding process and the separation of many manufacturing functions on site - such as CAD design, tool making and plastic moulding - has helped in the organisation of people and the basic requirement for social distancing.
Other manufacturing functions such as line assembly work have required a little more adjustment. In the main the distancing measures have been incorporated into production without any impact on shift systems, loss of time or productivity.